February 2025: Postpartum depression, bullying and harassment in creative industries
Two areas have really stood out for me this month (not including all the global political issues happening at the moment); the first will get more headline coverage I imagine; the issue of bullying and harassment in creative industries.
Bullying and harassment in creative industries

The Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority (CIISA)* was set up in 2021 after a number of allegations against well known names within the creative industries ; film, television, theatre, music and arts. Following a period of consultation, the CIISA Standards have just been published and are 'a framework that sets out the minimum standards of behaviour expected across the creative industries to ensure safe and inclusive working environments.'
The standards include having safe working environments, inclusive working environments and good reporting mechanisms.
Although not a statutory framework, the Standards are a tool for organisations to use to assess their current processes and for those within the industries to have clarity on expectations and outcomes.
In a sector where many workers are freelance and may not be covered by employee legal protection, it feels like a positive step forward towards changing a culture that has traditionally favoured 'talent' or personality and not held those exhibiting inappropriate behaviour to account.
Postpartum Depression - move towards preventative treatment

Postpartum Depression (PPD) affects 10 - 15% of new mothers and symptoms include
difficulty bonding with the baby, sadness, fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep issues and relational difficulties. Adapting to being a new parent is difficult enough without having to deal with PDD too.
Until now, we are reliant on mothers self reporting but its difficult to assess how many don't seek help for a variety of reasons; not knowing what is normal, feeling under pressure from the media (with often impossible standards) portrayal of motherhood and also the shame attached with feelings of not managing.
There is now some hope that work on a study on PDD may go some way to transforming postpartum healthcare. Researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine and the University of Virginia** have been investigating whether there is a way to discover which women may be more likely to develop postpartum depression (PPD). A study has been exploring links between levels of neuroactive steroids in blood samples during the third trimester of pregnancy and postpartum depression. Findings from the sample of 136 women suggests that there may be an imbalance in the metabolism of progesterone which gives a higher risk of developing PDD; if those women can be identified by blood tests during pregnancy, there may be preventative measures which can be taken to reduce PDD symptoms.
The researchers are planning to replicate the study to a wider population so it may be a while before we see changes in postpartum care but it is encouraging that work is continuing.
Beyond the Therapy Room
Beyond the Therapy Room is a monthly blog exploring mental health issues of interest to practitioners including new research, policy changes, trends and insights that may impact therapists and their work.
Training and Events
Take a look at CPD events for counsellors, psychotherapists and talking therapists at Northside training here.
*Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority (CIISA) https://ciisa.org.uk/