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Explore a bit more about supervision with these recommended books


We often get asked if we can suggest books to read so have put together a collection of four books that our supervision trainers, Bev Gibbons and Ronen Stilman recommend. These writers have informed and inspired them to utilise, build on and develop their ideas, which Bev and Ronen have then woven into our Diploma in Supervision course.

Recommended Supervision Books

Image of In Love With Supervision book

In Love with Supervision: Creating Transformative Conversations

Robin Shohet and Joan Shohet

PCCS Books, 2020

Image of Effective Supervisory Relationships book

Effective Supervisory Relationships:

Best Evidence and Practice

Helen Beinart and Susan Clohessy

Wiley-Blackwell, 2017

Explores the importance of the supervisory relationship as a critical component of the supervisory process. It includes work on cultural context and multicultural supervision

Image of the Art of Relational Supervision book

The Art of Relational Supervision:

Clinical Implications of the Use of Self in Group Supervision

Helena Hargaden (Editor)

Routledge, 2015

A good resource for both existing supervisors and those looking at becoming supervisors.

Image of Supervision in the Helping Professionals book

Supervision in the Helping Professions

Peter Hawkins and Aisling McMahon.

Open University Press, 2020

Available at the usual outlets


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